Slavery: Past and Present #280898 Reasons (1 of 4)


In the past few weeks, I’ve read a few books for this reading project; at this rate, I will easily read the 32 books I’m aiming for (representing the percentage of people in one American state, who voted in November 2020 on a bill which maintained the legal option to

Slavery: Past and Present #280898 Reasons (1 of 4)2021-09-27T18:06:32-04:00

Witness: Carol Shields’ Happenstance and The Stone Diaries


The call for witnesses in The Stone Diaries resonates throughout Shields’ work: “Life is an endless recruiting of witnesses. It seems we need to be observed in our postures of extravagance or shame, we need attention paid to us. Our own memory is altogether too cherishing, which is the

Witness: Carol Shields’ Happenstance and The Stone Diaries2020-12-27T14:27:37-05:00

Rereading Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye (1988)


Rereading Cat’s Eye while rereading Rosemary Sullivan’s biography of Margaret Atwood emphasized the parallels between the narrator’s and author’s childhoods. I was a teenager when I read Cat’s Eye for the first time; I would have had no idea that Elaine’s childhood of lakes and insects was Peggy’s childhood

Rereading Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye (1988)2020-12-27T14:27:22-05:00

Two Summer Debuts: Swimming and Malt Shops


When variations on the 30-something-°-day populate the ten-day forecast, summer reading is ON. (That’s 80s and 90s, for those of us who still get hotter in °F.) Books like Daven McQueen’s The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones and Taylor Hale’s The Summer I Drowned rise to the top of

Two Summer Debuts: Swimming and Malt Shops2020-07-21T15:44:18-04:00

Moving from The Handmaid’s Tale to The Testaments #MARM


There are three things that I noticed in this rereading of The Handmaid’s Tale. The use of time in the narrative. The importance of what is not said. The matter of world-building and perspective. In all three, readers are wholly engaged. Engaged in the use of time, in the

Moving from The Handmaid’s Tale to The Testaments #MARM2019-11-20T12:43:07-05:00
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