Life on Mars, Again and Again


When you've looked up a book title, have you ever been tempted by the other books you've found with the same title as the book for which you were searching? In adding Lori McNulty's debut short story collection to my online TBR list, I discovered several other books with the same

Life on Mars, Again and Again2017-07-24T15:24:28-04:00

May 2016, In My Stacks


How much of your reading is non-fiction? Does it fluctuate, or are you committed to reading (or not reading) it? When others were participating in non-fiction November last year, and actually reading a lot of the books that I'd been kinda-half-sorta thinking about reading, I realised that tending towards fiction

May 2016, In My Stacks2023-10-04T14:55:41-04:00

Mazo de la Roche’s Ringing the Changes (1957)


When I first peeked into the Jalna books, I discovered that Mazo de la Roche's biographers depended heavily upon Ringing the Changes, her autobiography, which I was pleased to find in the library. It's that kind of old book whose pages have been turned so often that they are softer

Mazo de la Roche’s Ringing the Changes (1957)2021-07-02T16:34:42-04:00

Intersection: Games and Books


The Games We Played: The Golden Age of Board and Table Games by Margaret K. Hofer is a sriking showcase of the games in Ellen and Arthur Liman's historic collection of American games. It began with a $6 yard-sale purchase in 1980 and grew to contain more than 500 games

Intersection: Games and Books2020-10-20T09:23:55-04:00

Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future (2015)


The Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is essential reading. TRC, 2015 As a component of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the TRC's "mandate is to inform all Canadians about what happened in Indian Residential Schools (IRS)." The report is intended "to document

Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future (2015)2019-03-26T08:35:37-04:00
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