In My Reading Log, December 2016


Once again, my idea of reading more non-fiction this year didn't materialize. During Non-Fiction November, so many people were actually reading books that I have been meaning to read but I picked up a novel or collection instead. Nonetheless, I've squeezed in a few. Julia Shaw's The Memory Illusion (2016) Memory

In My Reading Log, December 20162019-03-20T14:34:48-04:00

Margot Lee Shetterly’s Hidden Figures (2016)


“There was virtually no aspect of twentieth-century defense technology that had not been touched by the hands and minds of female mathematicians.” HarperCollins, 2016 That might not come up in math class at school, but it's evident on every page of Hidden Figures. "What I wanted was for

Margot Lee Shetterly’s Hidden Figures (2016)2017-01-03T11:22:08-05:00

Quarterly Stories: Winter 2016


This month, I'm wholly enjoying the stories in the Short Story Advent Calendar (edited by Michael Hingston and designed by Natalie Olsen). The variety of the boxed set is fantastic, especially if you're looking for "new" short story writers to follow, but I generally read collections of works by a single

Quarterly Stories: Winter 20162020-10-01T12:52:50-04:00

November 2016, In My Reading Log


In the wake of my IFOA reading list and the literary prizelists of the season, my November reading felt relatively whimsical. Without duedates attached to the majority of my reading, it was a pleasure to slip into volumes which had sat untouched in recent weeks. Each of these three volumes covers,

November 2016, In My Reading Log2023-10-04T15:36:41-04:00

Laurence Scott’s The Four-Dimensional Human (2015)


Are we spending so much time plugged-in that we are no longer ourselves and now perceive the world differently? Author Laurence Scott posits that digital technology has shaped a fourth dimension. We inhabit it, become it. The big question is: What does this mean? But just as one click online leads to a series

Laurence Scott’s The Four-Dimensional Human (2015)2016-11-07T16:17:45-05:00
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