Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch (2013)


It was probably always a messy story, but at some point the focus for Donna Tartt's third novel shifted dramatically. As discussed in an interview with Jared Bland at the Appel Salon, the draft Tartt had been writing, which was set in Amsterdam and New York City, collided with a trip to Las

Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch (2013)2014-06-26T14:30:15-04:00

Donna Tartt, interviewed by Jared Bland (November 2013)


The  evening in the Appel Salon at the Toronto Reference Library begins with a  sincere expression of enthusiasm on the part of the interviewer, introducing and welcoming the author. Not rote expression of interest or distant admiration, but a sense of true excitement as Jared Bland takes his seat, and

Donna Tartt, interviewed by Jared Bland (November 2013)2014-05-13T15:26:33-04:00

George Pelecanos’ The Cut and The Double


As the writer for HBO's "The Wire" and "Treme", George Pelecanos' reputation is impeccable. His style is succinct, polished. And he is as skilled at drawing intense, vivid scenes as he is at casting a wide story arc, allowing characterization to take centre stage. His Lucas Spero mysteries showcase all

George Pelecanos’ The Cut and The Double2014-07-11T16:26:16-04:00

Donna B. Pincus’ Growing Up Brave (2012)


Little Brown & Company, 2012 Growing Up Brave begins with the author arriving to deliver a talk a couple of years ago, shocked that the modest attendance she had expected was a crowd of 700 people in a high school auditorium. The audience was comprised of parents, caregivers, guidance

Donna B. Pincus’ Growing Up Brave (2012)2014-07-11T16:26:26-04:00

Liza Klaussmann’s Tigers in Red Weather (2012)


You cannot know of what an old sailor dreams, but perhaps he, as Wallace Stevens' poem suggests, dreams of tigers in red weather. It's a vivid imagining, but only the old sailor has experienced his dream.* Little, Brown & Company, 2012 In Liza Klaussmann's debut novel, each of

Liza Klaussmann’s Tigers in Red Weather (2012)2014-07-11T16:26:36-04:00
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