“Oh, What Avails” Alice Munro


Remember when "Gravel", in Dear Life, had readers considering the way that life can shift beneath one's feet, like an aggregation of water-worn stones readjusting? 1990; Penguin, 1991 This story has one considering the formation of frazil ice, the way that loose and randomly shaped ice-crystals can form

“Oh, What Avails” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:31-04:00

“Goodness and Mercy” Alice Munro


This title recalls Barbara's "Oranges and Apples" game, the idea of having to choose between two things. 1990; Penguin, 1991 It also echoes Anne having asked Matthew, en route to Green Gables: "Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically

“Goodness and Mercy” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:42-04:00

“Pictures of the Ice” Alice Munro


It is often said that a single story by Alice Munro contains as much complexity as a  novel written by another writer. 1990; Penguin, 1991 One might recall long stories like "Chaddeleys and Flemings" or expansive stories like "The Moon over the Orange Street Skating Rink" or, in

“Pictures of the Ice” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:54-04:00

“Oranges and Apples” Alice Munro


At one time, Zeigler's Department Store had a grocery department and a hardware department, but no longer. 1990; Penguin, 1991 The store assortment has changed. The role of the department store has changed. Downtown Walley has changed. And, perhaps most significantly, Murray has changed. When the story opens, Murray's

“Oranges and Apples” Alice Munro2020-05-20T13:54:51-04:00

“Hold Me Fast, Don’t Let Me Pass” Alice Munro


When Hazel Curtis travels to Scotland, she tells people that it was a trip that she and Jack had always planned to take together. 1990; Penguin, 1991 And now that she's a widow, Jack cannot contradict Hazel, speak out to say that he never wanted to take that

“Hold Me Fast, Don’t Let Me Pass” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:17:16-04:00
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