Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Running out of Time (1995)


Image Links to Challenge Site Margaret Peterson Haddix's Running out of Time (1995) Aladdin - Simon&Schuster, 1997 The Hunger Games meets "Little House on the Prairie" The Giver meets "The Truman Show" Yup, if I'd met Jessie Keyser in the pages of Running Out of Time when I

Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Running out of Time (1995)2014-03-09T19:07:16-04:00

Feisty orphans: gotta love them


This Saturday marks the beginning of a series of Saturdays devoted to Shelf-Discovery reads, or Shelf-Discovery-inspired reads. I joined the actual Challenge late, else there would have been more Saturdays filled with nostalgic re-reading of kidlit heretofore. But better re-read later than never to have read at all. This Saturday

Feisty orphans: gotta love them2014-02-27T17:32:35-05:00
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